Sunday, September 20, 2009

LONG long delay...

sorry for the super long delay between posts, nutty times for all and lots of stuff on the horizon. back in a day or so with a REAL post.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Hop-Fu and the PRDCT !!!

We are pleased and honored to be a sponsor of the upcoming Hop-Fu show at Cinespace here in L.A.
For the uninitiated, Hop-Fu is a live Dj scoring performance using the fertile soil of kung-fu movies and 2x4 turntablism to create a unique audio/visual experience. DJ IXL and DJ Excess of the Kolabz Crew man the decks and bring the breaks, pulling no punches (pun intended). DJ ILLNAUGHTY will score "Metropolis",the Fritz Lang classic, with just decks and an MPC, and Jase Beatboxer will stupify with just effects, a looping pedal,and his golden gullet over video clips to round out an insane evening of live music to picture that will bend our minds into just the right shape. As for us, we're giving out shirts to the first few (25) folks and just happy to be affiliated with this happening. Angelenos owe it to yourselves to come out and experience this dope night of music and film.
Hop Films
Verbal Beats

Friday, June 5, 2009


Ironlak is a brand working with AVT paints in Australia to provide environmentally responsible, affordable paint for graffiti. Why does the Product care about cans for writers on the other side of the globe? Because to us, graffiti is like if the little plant growing through a crack in the cement became a grand, lush forest bringing beauty and expression to urban sprawl. Coming from the culture of Hip Hop, we understand society's tenuous relationship with graff. But we also understand the need for expression, beautification, and growth as a people. Times have changed and artists like Saber, Futura, and Banksy have helped to legitimize the art form just as rap artists and djs have helped their respective elements gain acceptance. Much as we despise tags all over people's property, we acknowledge the culture in its entirety, warts and all. Ironlak represents a conscious effort to support this artform without sacrificing our world or our health to do it. Check them and their incredible family of writers and see how big this little plant can grow. Like us, creating wonder in unexpected places and nurturing the art we love is second nature. Check the Ironlak folks and see a glimpse of the future.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Sorry for the delay, something amazing.

created by artist Tomas Nilsson for a school assignment, this retelling of little red riding hood is the best kind of reappropriation. If this doesn't make a case for public domain and the power of building on works that came before, nothing does. Again, sorry for the post delay, we've been crazy behind the scenes and finally came up for air long enough to post. See you soon.

Monday, February 2, 2009

GOOD !!!

Forgive my ignorance, but being the typical jaded american it's easy to be brought down by all the bad news on tv and elsewhere and especially easy to think that said bad news keeps people from trying to make things better. Imagine my pleasant surprise when I came across Good online. An amazingly informative, entertaining and proactive website and magazine that does what it says, GOOD. Take a sec, peep it and revel in what I did, smart people doing positive things in a fun and approachable way.

Monday, January 26, 2009

ASR and Agenda in San Diego

Seems redundant, I know, but many people don't work or live in the action sports world and don't know it's in SD. Great people, insane skating and the PRDCT, beat that. Mini Mega Ramp with Bob Burnquist and Gagnon, High ollie contest with Kechaud and Brophy. We also went to Agenda down the road and got treated to much new hotness as well as cookies and free Donkey Kong and Centipede (priorities clearly out of whack).

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A New Day

Historic as today is for America, more importantly, I think, is the speed with which hope is seeming to return to the masses both here and around the world. In a jaded, complex time of difficult choices brought about by so many compromises, here stands a man who personifies the empowerment that can come with a command of those choices to create positive change. Change that can build, heal, and reaffirm the point of having choices at all. Today, January 20th 2009, we here at the Product applaud our new President Barack Obama for reminding us of what makes a people great, our once-strong belief in each other and ourselves to right what is wrong and fan the embers of hope, however dim they may grow to burn brightly into the future.

Friday, January 16, 2009

the MAN just has no taste at all...

So if you're an Angeleno like so many of us, Indie 103.1 represented radio you always wished existed. From Jonesy's Jukebox with the Sex Pistols' Steve Jones to Community Service with the Crystal Method to Barely Legal with Joe Escalante of the Vandals, there was no base not covered that any self-respecting music lover would need. And these were just three of so many insane shows. Well the MAN finally got them down and Indie is on the radio no more. The music doesn't stop there, don't get me wrong, is still bringing the goods like always. But there's something about getting in your car and always being surprised by something new, or something you haven't heard in forever and never thought would get on the radio. No tears here, just sadness for a frequency that has been home to a few incredible stations now, all cursed to end when the bean-counters came scratching at the door looking for their profits. Hit the link to experience a joy we in L.A. had for far too little time.
Indie 103.1

Thursday, January 15, 2009

New designs...

New designs for the Product are here and up on the site. Clean new styles as well as v-necks.

         Blossom                   Buddha Hand

Monday, January 5, 2009

Two of our favorite people.

Here's two of our favorite people, Danger Mouse and Cee-Lo doin' what they do, bending our ears and broadening our minds at the same time. A new look at somewhere we've all been. Amazing.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Welcome to 2009.

No exclamation, no need to yell, welcome to 2009. We at the Product hope you had a happy and safe one, we did, and the post-holiday food coma, couch-camping has come to an end, (hence the new post, finally!). We've got new designs and surprises right around the corner, ASR on the horizon and appearances in your area soon! Thanks for the visit, more posts soon, even more directly after that, and after that we'll see...